plane geometry

noun, Mathematics
the geometry of figures whose parts all lie in one plane.
Examples from the web for plane geometry
  • The shortest distance is a geodesic that corresponds to a straight line when projected to a plane geometry.
  • Must have completed one year of algebra and one year of plane geometry and must produce transcript.
  • The concept learning tasks used consisted of the learning of a series of plane geometry concepts.
  • Extensive knowledge of mathematics such as plane geometry and algebra.
  • From plane geometry, you may remember that the intersection of two planes forms a line.
British Dictionary definitions for plane geometry

plane geometry

the study of the properties of and relationships between plane curves, figures, etc
plane geometry in Science
plane geometry  
The mathematical study of geometric figures whose parts lie in the same plane, such as polygons, circles, and lines.
plane geometry in Culture

plane geometry definition

The study of two-dimensional figures (figures that are confined to a plane).

Note: Plane geometry is one of the oldest branches of mathematics.
Note: The Greek mathematician Euclid was the first to study plane geometry carefully. His book Elements was the standard plane geometry textbook for centuries.